A green company outing in Nijmegen | Team building on a picking garden


From €39 excl. VAT per person


2,5 hours

Number of persons

5 - 12


Company activity

What do you get?

  • A sustainable company outing of 2.5 hours
  • For 5 to 12 people
  • Including fresh lunch meal
  • Including team building assignment

About this company outing in Nijmegen

Would you also like to learn how to grow your own fruit and vegetables? Maybe this sustainable company outing is something for you! During this company outing in Nijmegen you will learn the basics of growing vegetables, you will discover the other sides of your colleagues during the team building assignment, and you will discover how delicious fresh vegetables are during lunch.

Sam, Maarten and Jorian will introduce you to the ecological picking garden in Nijmegen. With the help of a community supported agriculture model they realize a reduction of CO2 emissions, more biodiversity and healthier vegetables! How exactly does that model work and why a picking garden is a sustainable solution for various problems? They tell you that themselves!

They show you around as they take you into their story, after which you are served a delicious lunch. This one is also made from locally grown fresh vegetables!

Then it is time for a challenging team building assignment, in which you will plant a real vegetable garden yourself. You will prepare the soil, fertilize it and also sow the seeds of the vegetables that you have chosen yourself. Next, the task is to put together a culinary and healthy company lunch for the next outing.

Do you want to learn more about the importance of locally produced food, and could your green fingers use a boost? Then this company outing in Nijmegen fits in perfectly with your company.

What makes this accommodation sustainable

Plant-based food

In the picking garden you are surrounded by ecologically grown vegetables. You’ll probably discover a host of veggies you’ve never seen on your plate before!

Local products & collaborations

The picking garden works on the principle of community supported agriculture, which means that farmers work for – and with – the local community, so that food is locally grown and obtained in a fair and responsible manner.

Green transport

The transport of fruit and vegetables by plane, truck or ship has a huge impact on the environment. By growing locally, it can be picked up on foot or by bicycle. You can easily reach the picking garden by public transport from Nijmegen station. Take the bus or opt for an public transport bicycle!

The details

  • An example of the program

    The company outing can be organized in the following way:

    12.00 – 12.45 Reception & tour of the garden

    12.45 – 13.30 Lunch with fresh vegetables

    13.30 – 14.30 Teambuilding assignment: set up a vegetable garden together

    14.30 Closing

    The picking garden is located close to Nijmegen, dive into the city for a drink to end the day in a nice way!

  • The team building assignment

    Just like in a company, in a vegetable garden you are dependent on many external factors. Can you as a team respond to this in time or will you lose it from the market?

    During the assignment you transform a piece of land into a nutritious soil suitable for sowing edible plants. It’s up to you to grow a company lunch for the next company outing. What should be sown and what ingredients are in the lunch?

    As a team you have to work together to properly build, prepare and fertilize the vegetable bed – and this within a limited time. Good cooperation and a tight plan are indispensable for the success of the assignment!

The fine print

Would you like to know more about this company outing?


This company outing can be booked from Monday to Saturday from April to November.

Questions about this sustainable company outing? Set them!

Send us an email or ask your question on Whatsapp on 0031 627 00 94 99.


Answers to your questions

  • Are green fingers required during this company outing?

    People often think that only the people with the magical green fingers can successfully plant and maintain a vegetable garden. But actually anyone can do it! You just need to know how to do it.

  • Will the company outing continue with bad weather?

    Gardening in bad weather is just a little less fun. In case of bad weather or a lot of rain, we will look for a replacement date together.

  • Why is team building important?

    During work, good cooperation and a good working atmosphere are very important. Company outings help to build a close and positive team. Enjoying your job is just as important as understanding what you’re doing. This is the ideal company outing to bring this about. And it’s good for the environment too!


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