5x the best book on sustainable living

book sustainable living

It is often thought that sustainable living is complicated. But you will see that this is not the case. When you are aware of what you consume and what consequences your consumption has for the world, the first step towards a sustainable life has been made. There are many books that can easily help you towards a more sustainable life. In this article we list the 5 best book about sustainable living for you!

Sustainable living: how do you do that?

Sustainable living is also called a conscious life; know what you use, what this costs directly and indirectly and what damage it entails. The most important rule in sustainable living or a conscious lifestyle is to reduce, or to consume less. Consumption means that you use produced products as little as possible. In second place is the reuse of goods. Reuse reduces the need to produce new products. The third and final rule is recycling. This is in third place as there must first be reduction and reuse before recycling can take place.

Are you already working on recycling and reducing your emissions on an almost daily basis, but do you want to go one step further? Then this top 5 best books about sustainable living is perfect for you!

Top 5 books about sustainable living

The Zero Waste Project

Are you trying to live a sustainable lifestyle, but annoyed by the amount of plastic waste and junk that you still collect around you? Then ‘ The Zero Waste Project book ‘ is for you! The book consists of a pleasant mix between background information about the plastic problem, scientific research and tips that can be applied in daily life. The authors of the book, Nicky and Jessie Kroon, decided to live a month of zero waste. Less than four years later, Nicky and Jessie are the biggest when it comes to zero waste lifestyle bloggers in the Netherlands. Say goodbye to disposable coffee cups, plastic sandwich bags and prepackaged cookies after reading the 12 most important lessons taught by Nicky and Jessie.

This is what happens when you start living sustainably

“Do you never eat meat at all again?” “Do you always take the train instead of the plane?” “Don’t you think second-hand clothes are dirty?” are questions that people with a sustainable life often hear. These ‘misconceptions’ are disproved by Youtuber and writer Marije van der Made in the book ‘ This is what happens when you start living sustainably ‘.

Mary has only one goal. Give everyone who opts for a sustainable life a good response so that you blow everyone away at the next company drink, birthday or date. The book is a kind of handbook that is full of facts, experiences and common misconceptions about sustainability, so that you can protect yourself when hearing the next misconception.

The desire for less

In ‘ The desire for less ‘ the writer, Jelle Derckx, gives you a glimpse into his personal story towards a conscious and sustainable life; he started buying less and focusing on personal growth. And it worked. Jelle’s sustainable life started when he returned from his world trip. Once on the bus, the notifications from Whatsapp and Facebook flew around. Then Jelle decided to focus only on the essential.

What is essential? Jelle discovered this during his journey: it is actually a bag with some clothes and books, water, your loved one, a roof over your head, food and the planet. The desire for less. Or perhaps better said: enough. The book provides tools and tips that Jelle would have liked to have known when he started his sustainable life in 2011.

Vegan Vibes

Dietitian Lisa Steltenpool is convinced that plant-based food is the future and would like to introduce you to plant-based food. When she was twenty-one, Lisa wrote the successful book De Vegarevolution, followed by Kickstart. Lisa’s mission with Vegan Vibes is to make the Netherlands more plant-based, sustainable, healthier and animal-friendly.

In the past, vegan food had a negative connotation. There were far fewer vegan products in the supermarket. But family and friends didn’t understand vegan food either. Today it has become much more common. For example, there are more vegan products in the supermarket and more and more people are open to them. This book is intended to introduce people to plant-based food by means of simple adjustments in your diet. By providing you with substantiated nutritional information, practical tools and above all a lot of inspiration, the first step has been taken.

simple life

The authors of this book are three theologians and an economist. They think it can be done differently. Together they have written a so-called ‘Bible study book’ about sustainability and lifestyle and the general good life. The writers find it important not to say what is no longer allowed, but to show what we already have. The bible is not familiar with current climate changes, but it does say something about the concept of ‘sustainable living’. It is often thought that more and more expensive is what makes us happy. This thought destroys the planet.

This book illustrates what a sustainable world will look like by means of interviews. Are you considering whether sustainable living is for you? The book ‘easy living’ helps you to make the right choice.

Are you ready to take a sustainable holiday after reading these inspiring books? Then book your sustainable trip right away and go on a journey of discovery!

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